Rylie wanted to try on her new bow! Hee! Hee!
The girls playin' in the backyard! These exersaucers are the best thing! They love'em (we do too)!
Thought you all would enjoy a few of the latest pics! The girls are doing great! Going to be crawling and sitting up soon! I can definitely wait on that though! They are growing up too quickly already!! They are all good girls, but are a handful since there are THREE!
Avery Grace seems to be taking care of her sisters by setting all the new rules. She fell off the couch about 2 months ago, so we said no more couch unless we are RIGHT there. Now we find her sitting up and hanging over the side of her bouncy seat. In fact, last night we wanted to see just how far she would go. She ended up upside-down and giggling. We laughed, but now we have a new rule that she can't be left alone in the boucy seat! That girl is going to be a circus star one day!
Lil' Korynnie is not so little anymore! She is by far the BEST eater! Holds her bottle and gulps it down in just a few minutes! She is just so smart too! It seems she is always the one to test everything out! She is so good with her lil' hands...grabbing everything...putting her paci in her mouth...just seems to catch on so quick!
Oh, and my sweet Rylie! What a lil' angel! She just has such a gentle spirit! Her lil' smile can light up a room! She's going to be the one who is always worried about everyone else before herself! It seems she cries when she hears one of her sisters cry...like it makes her sad if they're sad!!
They are all so unique and precious! I hope you can meet them soon if you haven't already!
Much love,
The Marquarts